Food is serious business in our house.
You don't believe me? Try taking that bag of cheerios away from him and see what kind of reaction you get.
We're in a holding pattern right now with Little B's maybe-probably-but can't say for sure diagnosis of celiac's disease. We have an appointment to see a specialist in late April and can't make any changes until then. So for now we're back to doing our best to get him to eat as best he can. I really wish I knew how much of his unwillingness to eat is physical and how much of it is because he's 2. Sometimes I think that maybe we're turning a corner toward eating just a little bit healthier...
Here mommy, let me make your day. I will ask for and eat three servings of Cheerios... in a bowl...with milk... |
And then I will drink the milk like a big boy...without spilling! |
But then I am emphatically told that we're not. Sigh.
Check out those "don't try to reason with me" eyes...this kid is getting every cookie or will die trying!
In the meantime I'm trying to still make the kitchen and
the high chair a fun place to be. I may not be as creative as his
Mom-Mom, who turns clementine pieces into boats that rock and serves
yogurt with an airplane spoon, but I'm doing my best!
Chocolate pudding finger painting? Yes please! Just don't make me eat it. |
Look, I'm drawing the train Mommy! This is the engine and this is the caboosy*! |
* Thank you Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for teaching my son that the last car on a train is called the caboosy. You have some re-educating to do Papou!
So, as you can tell, food is occupying a lot of my thoughts right now. Even if it wasn't a big deal for Little B, it's definitely a big deal for almost 28-week-pregnant me and little Zeus (baby number 2's silly nickname, not even close to what we will be naming him, which has yet to be decided). I generally try to eat a pretty balanced diet but it's been a real struggle lately to make myself eat a few servings of fruit and vegetables everyday, which I know don't balance out all the carbs and sweets I consume but at least they don't hurt right?! I'm closing in on that pregnancy time period where the weight will really start piling on, which I hate to see but know is what's supposed to happen. So here's a
meal that I'm proud of myself for making this week (all healthy, no guilt involved) and here is a
dessert that I haven't even made yet but am dying to try (not at all healthy, tons of guilt). I asked my friend this morning if she wanted me to make a dessert for small group tonight and she said that she had it covered. Maybe next time I'll just tell everyone I'm bringing dessert and then I'll have an excuse to make them...or maybe I won't and make them anyway to eat on my own (shh, don't tell Hubby T!)