That's how I feel whenever I have a chance to catch my breathe these days, which doesn't happen often. I haven't been blogging because while I love sharing our life with all of you family and friends, it's not as high on the priority list as laundry, unloading the dishwasher, and attending to the many many needs of my two tiny boys. When I think back over the last couple weeks it's mostly just a blur of little moments in between the constant cycle of nursing, diaper changing, shh'ing to sleep, nursing, diaper changing, shh'ing to sleep...
Proud big brother |
Little moments like this gem that came from the backseat of the car recently..."Hey, Mommy, guess what? Horse poop is brown and bird poop is white!" I knew the day would come when poop would become a conversation topic, I have three boys in my house after all, but really? Already?! *Deep sigh
Just chillin' with the the baby seat... |
Little moments like the other morning when I realized that Little B had gotten into the bathroom closet, opened a brand new tube of tooth paste and was using it to paint my wall. That certainly woke me up and got me out of bed!!
Playing trains together |
Little moments like the rush of joy when I wake up in the middle of the night and realize it's been nearly 7 hours since Baby P woke me up to feed....and the rush of despair the next night when I wake up and realize it's only been 2 hours since he woke me up to feed.
Gentle hug |
Little moments like when Little B ran dripping wet into his brother's room and I realized that he decided to give himself a bath after his brother was done. The lesson learned is to immediately drain the bathtub when bath is done (which I probably should have done for safety reasons anyway!)
It's exhausting having a mohawk this awesome |
Little moments like when I successfully achieve bits of "life as normal," like taking Little B out grocery shopping, getting the kitchen floor washed or the family room floor vacuumed, or making it through story time at the library without either boy melting down. Or a blog post completed!
My boys at their first baseball game for Grampa's birthday |
Hang in there with me, I'll be back with more updates as I gradually figure out this new life with this precious little one added in...