
Monday, August 29, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten

Do you remember your first day of kindergarten?  I don't.  Hubby T doesn't.  So in case Little B wants to remember his first day of kindergarten in future years, here it is, in his own words.  No kidding friends, these are direct quotes.

I know that my guy is a "natural born winner" but I needed to make sure his teacher did too!

Love this kid!

"After I got off the bus today, I walked down the hall to my classroom.  Then I got my name tag.  Then after I learned some stuff in my classroom, I went on a little tour of the school.  Next I came back to my classroom for a little bit and then I went out to recess.  After that I came back in.  I got packed up and I went to computer class, which did not turn out well.  After that I came back down to get my backpack.  Then I sat under my bus number.  Then I walked to the cafeteria to board the bus.  The end."

Mommy's clarifying questions:
Q: What did you learn in your classroom? 
A: "She told me about the bathroom and they have a water fountain there.  And she told us about classroom dojo.  And then that's all the questions I will answer."

Walking to the bus stop

Here comes the bus!

There he goes!!

Mommy's P.S.: My perspective at the end of today was that Little B felt good heading onto the bus and felt good coming off, so all in all a successful first day.  Also, when taking pictures this morning, he suggested making a silly face, which resulted in the picture below, which I suspect a certain aunt will enjoy:)

"Aunt KP, this is for you!"

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Another day in paradise

Anyone remember this song from Phil Vassar?  It came on the radio as I was driving home tonight, and I smiled as I remembered loving this song when it originally came out, in 2000, when I was in high school.  Somehow even then I knew that what the song described, this crazy life of loving a spouse and raising kids and trying to make it all work, was the life that I wanted.  And today felt like one of those days.

For those who live in our area, Wintherthur will have "Terrific Tuesday" programs running through the end of this month and it is a great activity!  It's a great price to get your family in and the programming they had, centered around the Sundial Garden today, was great.  The boys made sundials to take home, designed their own sundial gardens based on Mr. duPont's original instructions, made a bath fizzy concoction (not sure what that had to do with sundials), made photographs using UV rays, played a pollinator game, and talked to a climatologist.  And that was all before we even got to the main grounds!

Watching the sun do its photography thing
We brought Little B here years ago before there even was a Little P.  Remember this?

Such a little Little B!!
Well, we do because this picture is in our family scrapbook.  So when I found out we could get in on the discounted price today, I was able to give the boys a visual reminder of where we were going, and despite the fun programs in the educational center, they couldn't wait to get to the Enchanted Woods, a fairy-tale garden with a make-believe description of each play spot...

Disappearing through the mist to fairy land

"Mom, I climb on the stones, ok?"  "No, not ok!"

Can't you just hear him grunting as he pumped?

Checking for trolls under the troll bridge.  He wasn't home.
And then, as if I hadn't exhausted us all enough by walking around for three hours straight this morning, I met Hubby T after he got off work, handed off the kids, and went into my work for two and a half hours.  And yet as I walked out, dead on my feet and starving for dinner I thought, "I love this work that I'm doing!"

Everybody's paradise looks different.  Everybody's paradise doesn't always feel like paradise.  But today, I'm grateful for mine!

And because I just can't resist, here's the blooper picture:)