
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

When Mama P is sick

Head colds stink. Last night I went to bed super achy and super stuffy, hoping that a good night of rest would make me feel better. This morning I woke up a little achy and still pretty stuffy. But thanks heavens for Tylenol Cold - today was a lot better than I thought it would be - although we still had to take it pretty easy. Here's a picture of what our day looks like when Mama P is sick...

Baby B and I wore sweats all day. I love having a job that allows me to wear sweats when I don't feel good. Especially when they become covered in snot by 8:30. Imagine what they look like by 4:30!

We didn't go shoe shopping like I was planning for today. The boys were really disappointed, especially Baby D.

We forgot to put on bibs when eating, and by we I mean me. Baby D got halfway through breakfast before I remembered his bib and Baby B got completely through lunch with no bib. I didn't even realize it until we went up to his room to play after lunch and thought, "Huh, why is his shirt so dirty? Oh geez, did I forget to put a bib on him too?!"

The boys had a lot of free play time, meaning I sat or laid on something close by and watched them play with whatever they wanted, including Baby B's swing. (I can't believe how small an amount of time it's been since he fit in this thing!)

And finally, for dinner tonight we let Baby B feed himself some freshly cooked acorn squash. Which led to squash all over his clothes. Which led to baby nakedness in the kitchen.

Which led to this adorable frog bathrobe:)

He looks like a little boxing champ when it hangs open:) Hopefully he can box these colds away so that we can both feel better soon!!

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