
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Baby B's Basketball Adventure

One of the perks of living in a small college town is that you can participate in college events. In future years, I imagine us taking our kids to see the musicals the drama department puts on, the Homecoming parade, and, of course, football games. Yesterday, however, a rainy and cold winter day, was perfect for attending a basketball game!

Watching the game, wasn't quite sure what to make of it

Now this wasn't just any old basketball game. This is the game that held the college's annual Tribe Baby Race! During halftime, each baby participating started at the free throw line with one parent while the other parent sat on the half court line with a toy to help entice the baby to move. Not only does Baby B love me a ton, he also loves the iPad and camera I had with me a ton times a thousand. So I was pretty confident that he'd get his little baby butt in gear and leave our "competition" in the dust!

Alas, it was not to be. I knew we might be in trouble when he started resting his head on my shoulder during the first half of the game. (Little guy is teething and hadn't slept well the night before.) Then when we got down on the court and the announcer said "go!" the crowd went wild! You'd think that the team had just won in the last second of the game. I was intimidated by the sound, let alone my very confused little baby.

He didn't move until Hubby T started scooching with him.

At that point another baby had "won," so we were just trying to get him to cross the finish line. My mom told me afterwards that we were the only parents that kept working with our kid to get him to the end; apparently everyone else just gave up. I'd like to think that says something about our parenting, that we'll persevere with our child so that he can finish what he started...or maybe we were just enjoying the the race too much to notice what other people were doing. Either way Baby B got an awesome Griffin mascot doll out of the experience and some proud parents. Go Tribe!

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