We didn't have a lot going on this week. And there was a chance of thunderstorms everyday. You know when you look at the weather report and it shows that little rain cloud icon day after day after day? Depressing. So all in all I felt a bit blah all week. Now that the nap time of the Friday before a long holiday weekend is finally here, I thought it might be healthy to remind myself of all the good things that happened. Maybe this and all the bright yellow suns in the weather report for this weekend will kick the blahs away once and for all...
On Monday my birthday mama visited and I made a delicious
Greek Panzanella salad for lunch. (If you haven't figured it out yet, good food makes me happy, so to me it's worth mentioning.) Monday night I met a friend who I haven't seen for awhile down at the riverfront. We walked along the river a little ways (on a path I didn't know existed...mental note for the future!) and then got some dessert. Yay for mom time out:)
Our new favorite place to play - on top of the toy box!
Tuesday morning it was super gray and overcast, but I checked the radar and it didn't show any rain so I took the boys over to our favorite park. We were the only ones there! I could let them swing as long as they wanted without worrying about other kids who wanted a turn (or who were trying to run under them as they swung!) We could climb to the top of the castle without worrying about any bigger kids pushing them over. All in all it was probably the most peaceful trip to the park in all of history.
Staying in the baby pool is for babies!
Wednesday we headed over to the library. I thought that our regular weekly story time was on summer break but it turns out it's on summer break starting next week. So we enjoyed one more spring story time, picked up the summer calendar of events and stocked up on new books. I was really excited about one of the books I picked out,
Tap Tap Bang Bang by Emma Garcia, which is all about tools and the sounds they make. It sounded like a big hit for my little guy, but all he's interested in is turning the book over and pointing to the picture of
Tip Tip Dig Dig which is all about construction vehicles. I guess we know what book I'll be checking out next week!
On Wednesday I also heard two different radio shows discussing little kids and electronic touch devices (iPads, iPhones, etc.) Did you know that practically no research has been done of the effects (good or bad) of kids using these devices? The shows were very thought provoking for me, but I will refrain from sharing all of them here. I try not to lecture you readers too much. But if you want to talk about it let me know...
Super baby!!
On Thursday we stayed home, something that I try to avoid doing too often, but yesterday I needed it. I took the boys out front after cleaning up breakfast so that I could work on some weeding while they played. I didn't realize that their idea of playing would including moving handfuls of dirt and the rocks from the garden onto the driveway. Oh yeah, and pulling up the little fence we have along part of the garden. Not so helpful little ones. Baby B took a spectacular fall down half of our front steps while he was trying to climb down (don't worry, I was watching) and when I caught him at the bottom he didn't make a peep! As I saw him fall I figured the wail to top all wails was coming but he was totally silent. It probably helped that I caught him right away but still, I was amazed. And although I didn't see Baby D fall, he came in the house with a scrape on his knee; again, no wails! These are some tough little boys.
It's fun to tickle feet:)
This morning I was rewarded for dragging myself out of bed early to exercise to spot this in my vegetable garden!
I think that flowers on a plant indicates that fruit is coming - exciting! By lunchtime though it had wilted to this...
Not really sure what to make of this, hopefully it's a good sign.
So there we have it. Guess it wasn't such a bad week after all. Funny how God makes that happen sometimes...Happy Memorial Day friends!
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