
Monday, June 11, 2012


Fad: a fashion that is taken up with great enthusiasm for a brief period of time, a craze.

Normally you think about teenagers getting caught up in "fads."  In my day these included boy bands, Titanic, the macarena, and any WB teenage drama show.  (And before you ask, no, I won't comment on how much I may or may not have taken up these fads...)  I will, however, comment on how 17 month olds experience fads too!  Who knew?!  Some of these I hope will stick around, others not so much...I bet you can guess which fads belong in which category!!

"No!"  That's right.  It's started already.  My sweet little angel has discovered the power and allure of the word "no!"  Several mornings last week I woke up to the sound of his little voice saying "no, no, no, no" to himself in his crib.  If you ask him if he wants to eat anything other than banana bread or animal crackers his answer is no (although half the time if you just give him the food he will eat it regardless of what he says.) I'm reading in parenting books that this is completely normal.  *Deep sigh.*  At least he sounds really cute saying it:)

The pool.  I wish I could say that playing in the pool is Baby B's fad right now but alas, it's the opposite.  He has no interest in getting in the water!  I'm hoping this is just an aversion to the cold water, which will warm up as our weather warms up in the coming weeks.  On Friday when I took him to the pool we discovered that he can stand on the bottom of the shallowest part of the kid end all by himself.  He got so excited splashing and laughing and standing on his own that he lost his balance and went under:(  Poor guy.  I scooped him up immediately and he wasn't that upset, so I'm hoping that didn't scar him.  Hubby T and I are going to keep at it though...we didn't join the pool just to have him walk around on the hot concrete all summer!

Banana bread.  As I indicated above, this is one thing that is most definitely "no" proof right now.  Baby B would probably have eaten half the loaf in one sitting if I let him.  At meal times he kept pointing to the counter where I was keeping the bread so I moved it out of sight into the pantry.  Then he started pointing at the pantry.  Smart little guy.  I'm going to have to be more selective about when I make this in the when we have company so that there's not a huge loaf leftover to tempt him day after day.

I love banana bread!!!

Hallmark Recordable Books.  Hallmark sells books that enable the giver to record his or her voice reading the story.  Baby B has received 4 such books from his grandparents and great-grandparents in recent months and all the sudden lately they have become his favorite books!  All he has to do is open the page and the voice starts reading!  I'm still trying to teach him that he doesn't need me to do this:)  I love seeing his face light up when he recognizes who is reading to him, what wonderful gifts.

Mad Men.  Okay, this one has nothing to do with Baby B except that we only watch it after he's gone to bed at night.  Hubby T and I decided to get Netflix for the summer since all our normal shows are on hiatus till the fall.  This is the first time either of us have watched the show and although we are completely appalled by the lack of morals and chauvinism portrayed in by the characters, we're still enjoying it.  I'm curious to know what people who lived through that generation think of it.

That's all for now.  I realize I haven't been writing here as frequently lately.  But I don't like posting when I don't have something worthwhile to share, so hopefully inspiration will start striking more frequently again soon.  In the meantime, I'll leave you with this little gem of a picture.  Baby B has (finally) started learning to give kisses on the cheek.  Now this is a "fad" that I will never tire of:)

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