
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Afternoon Treats

 I up!

In case you're not interested in spending a rainy Saturday afternoon climbing on couches and rocking chairs like my crazy boy, here's a couple recommendations from Hubby T and I to make your day!

Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived by Rob Bell, is one of the most interesting books I have read in a very long time.  Hubby T and I have been reading it together this summer, stopping after each chapter to discuss.  This makes for great car ride conversation.  If you are a person (Christian or not) who feels uncomfortable with the idea that believing in Jesus is the only way to get into heaven, this book will shine a new, different light on that idea.  The author has been pretty viciously attacked by some Christians for writing this book, and while I'm not sure yet if I completely agree with his conclusions, I'm still glad he wrote it and that I read it.  One of the things I most appreciated was how the author goes directly to the Bible to discuss what the specific references to heaven and hell are, and then discusses how these references relate to what we think about heaven and hell.  Not surprisingly, society/culture has had more of an influence than I had realized.  Aside from the fact that these are pretty heady things to think about, it's an easy read and very interesting.

We will be consuming this cherry chocolate dessert deliciousness tonight.  I already ate one while making them this afternoon (chef's prerogative!) and am tempted to skip our main course and just chow down straight on dessert.  Life is short right?!  And so is cherry season - take advantage while you can!

I wish I had more Saturday afternoon treats to share with you, but we've finished all the Mad Men episodes on Netflix and haven't started anything else yet.  And I don't expect you to get excited about Hubby T's new lego that he spent an hour putting together this afternoon.  So my silly family will leave you with this (Baby B is currently sitting on the couch saying "hiney!" over and over again) - if all else fails you on the next rainy Saturday of your life, remember that breakfast at McDonald's with grampa is always a great way to start your day.  Happy weekend!

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