Whenever I am out and about with the boys, I frequently am asked if they are twins. They look about the same age, they both have blond hair, and they are carted about in a double stroller, so it's understandable. I always explain that they're not, that Baby D is just our friend, and we move on. I don't normally encourage this twin perception. But today I couldn't help it. Because today Baby D showed up wearing a shirt that's almost exactly the same as one of Baby B's shirts. But these aren't just twin shirts in different colors from Target. These are soccer jerseys from Italy! Baby B received his from Hubby T's parents after their vacation to Italy last May. Baby D received his from a friend of his mom's who also went to Italy this summer. What are the chances that these little friends would end up with almost matching shirts from a totally different continent?! I decided this picture opportunity was too good to pass up...until I spent several giggly, squirmy minutes trying to get them to hold still. If a picture is worth a thousand words, I think these pictures are worth just 5 words - little boys don't sit still!!
You think you're going to get a perfectly posed picture from us?
Well, just try and catch us...
Ready, set, let's wiggle at the same time and really mess Mama P up!!
Ha ha, even by kneeling over us you still can't make us hold still!!
Okay, you got one lucky shot, but this is as close as you're going to get!
I give up. Hopefully all these pictures put together gives you an idea of what these shirts look like. Long live Italia, and these silly-squirmy-so cute-almost matching shirted non-twins:)
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