
Monday, October 29, 2012

The beauty of nature

I have been a part of several conversations with church friends in the past few years talking about times when we have felt closest to God.  It is amazing (or perhaps not so amazing) how many people's answers involved nature - a sunset or sunrise on a beach, the breathtaking scenery from the top of a mountain, the view of the sky from an airplane window, the beauty of a single flower.  Most people I know have stories about the beauty of nature.  (And I don't take it for granted that I am one of those people.  Can you imagine growing up in an inner-city and never seeing what's outside it?  It happens...)

So as I was cuddled by the warm fire last night, reveling in the sounds of my laughing baby, the satisfaction of a delicious dinner in my stomach, and the anticipation of a day at home with both my boys, I was horrified to see that the storm that was fairly innocently passing over my home is on a path to decimate so many others.  It's one thing for me to enjoy a windy, rainy day from the comfort of my electricity-powered, weather-proof home.  It's another for me to know that that wind and rain is going to make this week pretty atrocious for millions of others.  There is really no really no big takeaway from this post.  I guess I, like so many of my other friends on Facebook, felt like expressing my horror and awe at the power and (yes) beauty of creation...

"You alone are the Lord.  You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, and earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them.  You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you."  Nehemiah 9:6

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