
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Growing Pleasures

Baby B is going to be 22 months old this week, almost two years old!  Although he has passed many of his "first" milestones, he continues to do and say new things that characterize the lively and independent little boy he is becoming...

Like many kids, Baby B loves to hear his favorite stories read to him over and over and over (and over and over!) again.  While this gets pretty old for Hubby T and I, what doesn't get old is hearing him settle down next to us to read and say, "I like dis book" or "I like dis one."  He says it softly, almost like he's talking to himself, but it's so precious to hear this expression of what's going on in his head.  Plus, what parent's heart isn't warmed to witness their child loving reading?

Another funny habit Baby B has developed recently is answering his own questions with the answer he wants us to give.  Frequently when he makes a request we will repeat it back to him, mostly to make sure we understood it correctly.  Instead of confirming his question, he answers it!  For example:

Baby B: I want mo' cheerios.

Me: (In mock disbelief) You want more cheerios?!

Baby B: Okay!

He is starting to sleep with a blanket!  Most new parents these days adhere to the philosophy that you can't put your baby to sleep with anything that could smother them or cause breathing problems.  This includes crib bumpers, stuffed animals, blankets, etc.  So until recently when it's been cold we've dressed Baby B in layers and left him to his own devices in his very sparse crib.  (This may sound mean but he's honestly been completely fine.)  In the last couple weeks as it's gotten cold we decided that maybe he was ready for a blanket, because hopefully in the next year he'll learn to sleep in an actual bed!   The first couple times we put a blanket over him he giggled at us, as if the blanket was tickling him.  Most of the time he just accepts it now, although I've yet to see him embrace the warmth of a blanket the way I do on a cold night.  I'm sure he kicks it off pretty quickly but occasionally I'll walk in to check on him before I go to bed and he's still laying there, fast asleep with the blanket over his body, occasionally with his teddy bear tucked tightly under his arm.  At what age will my child not be completely adorable while fast asleep?  (Sorry, no picture for this one.  No picture is worth taking with a flash in the dark and awakening my sleeping child!)

What else is there to report on my little bundle of energy?  He's moved up to size 4 diapers (I think they only make them up to size 5...we're getting closer!), he talks enough to carry on a conversation with Hubby T over the phone during lunchtime, he wants to walk everywhere by himself (i.e. don't you dare try to strap me into a stroller!), he picks out his own Curious George book from the library every week, and every time I sit down at the piano he runs over and demands that I play "Old MacDonald Had a Farm", or in his words, "E-i-e-i" and we always sing about the chicken first.  I am so looking forward to the holidays in the coming weeks so that some of our family can see him again and share our joy in how much he's grown this year...

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