
Thursday, October 6, 2011


Today was a rough-ish day. It's never a good start when Baby B is so tired and fussy that he has to go down for his morning nap before Baby D even gets here. Since our normal nap times were messed up, that also meant I didn't get the normal hour that I normally get to myself during overlapping nap times, sad for Mama P. (I'm not seriously sad about this. It's my job to care for these boys, whenever they need it. Mornings when I get to drink my tea and read my blogs in peace are just a bonus:)

Once they were both awake we had a little while of fun playtime, but then things started getting worse and worse, resulting in a total meltdown from Baby B. He was screaming so loud and was completely inconsolable and I have no idea why. Gotta love those moments. Then Baby D decided to join the fun and started hollering at me too. (His mom told me this afternoon that they are at an age now where they can feel empathy, so maybe Baby D was just sad that his friend Baby B was sad. Aren't kids amazing?!) Fortunately I was able to stay pretty calm and we got through it. Lunch helped everybody. Once they both woke up from a second round of naps we were better, better enough that I got this wonderful picture.

Baby B and I finally got some joint nap time in at 4:30, which was really good because I really needed it. Fortunately we had leftovers for dinner and then went on an invigorating walk around the neighborhood with Hubby T to enjoy the fresh fall air, wahoo! Now it's almost bath time, aka Baby B's bedtime, and then I can sit down to enjoy what I have been looking forward to all day - homemade pumpkin praline ice cream. What a heavenly end to a not-so-heavenly day:)

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