
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve

Merry Christmas Eve friends!

I have spent a fair amount of time today thinking about the holiday traditions that Hubby T and I each grew up with and thinking about how we are incorporating them (or not) into our new family. Baby B isn't old enough to remember any of this, so I consider this year a practice run for future years. All in all it was a pretty good day!

I don't ever remember football being a part of my Christmas Eve. But it certainly was today! I give Hubby T credit for being willing to go to the 5 pm childrens service at church since it meant missing three quarters of the Eagles game. (Go Eagles, even though your season is basically over!)

When my sister and I were growing up, the elves always came sometime on Christmas Eve to fill our stockings (usually during nap time or, in later years, while we were at church). I always looked forward to opening a couple small presents the day before Christmas, it extended the present fun. In our past discussions about this topic Hubby T has been pretty adamant that we do stockings on Christmas Day. I've mostly caved to him, but on the way home tonight he indicated that it might still be open for discussion. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what those crafty elves do next year:)

My mom always made clam chowder for dinner on Christmas Eve. I'm not sure why, it may have something to do with her Catholic childhood. Either way, since I'm the queen of the kitchen and Hubby T eats whatever I give him without complaining, that is a tradition that is continuing. I made the soup this afternoon and then left it in a crock pot to keep warm while we were at church. It was wonderful to have dinner ready and waiting when we got home (and toffee snickerdoodles for dessert!).

Finally, when Hubby T was growing up, his dad always read The Night Before Christmas before putting the kids to bed on Christmas Eve. This is a tradition we're both excited about keeping with our children. So Hubby T read it tonight, to a squirming Baby B who was more interested in playing with the phone charger on the bed than listening to the story. Oh well, hopefully next year will go better:)

I've also been thinking lots of thoughts today about the true meaning of Christmas. You know, Jesus is the reason for the season and so forth. But I'm tired and don't have the energy to express those thoughts as eloquently as I'd like. So hopefully you went to church tonight and got a taste of the awesomeness of worshiping God on Christmas Eve. I'll try to get those thoughts out soon. In the meantime, sleep in heavenly peace friends:)

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