
Thursday, December 15, 2011

When Hubby T is sick

When Hubby T is sick...

- Our bedroom becomes the quarantine room. We love you Daddy dear, but don't want your flu bug, so we will love you from the doorway until you are better.

- The guest room is now Mommy's room! Which means all the Christmas presents that were accumulating on the guest bed had to be moved before I could go to bed last night. Which reminded me just how much wrapping I have to do...

- Mommy feeds Baby B all of his meals. Normally I only give him lunch, Hubby T feeds him breakfast and dinner. While it's not much trouble to feed him, it is a bit strange, just goes to show how much I rely on Hubby T (see last point).

- Daddy's car sits in the driveway when he doesn't go to work in the morning, so when we were running late for playgroup, we ended up being super later because I had to move his car before I could move the Baby B-mobile. When our family gets out of it's routine, boy are things messed up!!

- Completely unrelated to Hubby T's sickness, check our Mr. Hawaii Five-O!

I held Baby B up to his closet this morning and said, "What do you want to wear bud?" and he chose this awesome surfboard covered shirt. He looks so stylishly handsome:)

- Also unrelated to Hubby T's sickness, Baby B demonstrated his growing brain today by sorting his corn and carrots into separate piles all by himself!

I never cease to be amazed at these moments when I turn around and realize that he's just done something that he's never done before. Totally awesome. And, and in case you were wondering how that meal turned out, the answer is messy. Baby D sat in my lap in awe.

- The real lesson of the last two sickly days, however, is that I have massive amounts of respect for single parents. By the strength of God, I have had the energy to entertain two little boys for the last two days and get through the end of the days with Baby B with relative ease. Doing it every day though, by myself, on top of everything else single parents have to deal with (like say, a job!) is nearly unfathomable to me. Thank heaven for Hubby T and all the love and support he gives us (when he's not germy that is!!:)

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