
Sunday, February 5, 2012

Colorado trip part two

I know I promised more stories from our Colorado trip, but after being home less than a week it's already being relegated to the "that was fun but I need to think about what's coming up next!" portion of my brain. So here are the last couple things that stick out to me from that trip that I wanted to share.

- My gramma has a dog named Abby. The name we are teaching Baby B to call my gramma is Gigi. While we were there, Baby B started calling the dog Gigi. He can actually say that "g" syllable pretty well. Way to go Mr. Smarty Pants:)

- To officially celebrate my uncle's 50th birthday, we all went out for a very nice dinner at the Viceroy Hotel. (Click the link for an awesome picture.) It was built within the last couple years so I'd never been there before. The words that keep running through my head to describe it are super swanky. The dinner was delicious and my uncle was hilariously roasted in accordance with family tradition. The evening started out with a cocktail hour, during which I continually thought of that line from Sweet Home Alabama, "You have a a bar!" Yup, that was me. And he hung in there through the whole dinner until we took him home at ten o'clock. What a party animal!!

- On Sunday morning I went to church at the little chapel near the village. As service was starting, it occurred to me that the last time I sat in that building was two years ago on Christmas Eve, less than a week after I had a miscarriage. I remember being heartbroken and crying almost the whole service. And now here I was, two years later, with a beautiful baby boy napping up at the house and a whole loving family surrounding us. We sang the hymn "Great is Thy Faithfulness" at our wedding, and I love how it continues to be the refrain of our life.

This is our little family standing in my grandparent's yard. Jealous of the view? You should be. Unless you're a member of my family, in which case, it was great to see you! And aren't Gramma and Poppa awesome for living where they live and creating the family they created?! We are truly blessed. Can't wait to go back this summer!!

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