1. He loves what he does, and what he does is education. He has something to say about almost any topic related to education, he reads a ton of education blogs, he watches school board meetings on TV, writes his own (mostly about education) blog, and is going to, in my humble opinion, have a career that influences the schools he is in, the teachers he works with, and the students he interacts with for the better. "That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the gift of God." Ecclesiastes 3: 13
2. He loves doing our taxes. Enough said.
3. He is a fantastic father! Every night he comes home from work, takes 5-10 minutes for himself to decompress, and then plays with and cares for Baby B until his bedtime. (Can you tell how much of a relief this is to me every night?!) I also love seeing the ways that he, as a male, interacts with Baby B; sometimes it's very different from how I interact with him and I think that balance will be good for our son. Hubby T can also be incredibly silly. "You want to play Legos with Daddy? You just have to watch. There's a battle going on. It's between the bad guys and the good guys." or "You keep working on that throwing motion and 18 years from now you'll be getting scholarship offers!" or "(Reading an alphabet book.) D is for dog. E is for elephant. F is for fart. Oh no! We don't say that word."
4. He is an honorable man. I could go on and on about this, but suffice it to say that he has put a lot of thought and study into what kind of a man he wants to be and I respect and appreciate many of those things.
5. Hubby T is a sports fan! And he has made me a sports fan, which I am grateful for. It's fun to root for our teams, which will hopefully help inspire a love of watching and playing sports in our kids as well. Go Flyers/Eagles/Phillies!!
6. He is frugal, and although this drives me crazy sometimes, it also helps us be more responsible with the money God has shared with us. And that's important, to both of us.
7. God made him for me. (I know, I know, awwwww...) Hubby T and I have always been a pretty sappy couple, but it's for good reason. It's amazing to me how God crafted so many things in him to be a perfect match for me. And then, out of the 7 billion people now on the planet, He brought us together. Sweet:)
So, in summary, Hubby T is awesome. Or, as Baby B has been proclaiming to the world all day,
Happy Birthday boyfriend!
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