
Monday, April 30, 2012


Mmmm will be the homemade pizza, salad, and chocolate peanut butter chip cookies we'll have for dinner.

Oh my goodness is how Hubby T and I felt when we realized yesterday that Baby B has not just 1 but 2 new teeth that have broken through!  Poor guy has been suffering silently, or not suffering much at all.  Either way I'm glad we're all still sleeping good!

Naps are wonderful things, especially for little boys who run around like crazy all morning and the mommy who runs around like crazy after them.

Delightful is how our garden looks.  So far everything appears to be growing!

Awesome is how my pretty pink nails look after I painted them yesterday.  I haven't painted them in literally a couple years.  It's fun to do something a little extra girly every now and then:)

Yay for Grampa who came to play with us yesterday and for Gramma coming tonight to play with us tomorrow and for Mom-Mom and Papou who are coming to play with us this weekend!  Baby B is lucky to have such devoted grandparents:)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Baby B Update

Sometimes I wonder when I will have to stop calling Baby B a baby.  At fifteen months he still sleeps on his tummy with all his limbs tucked in and his little behind sticking straight up in the air.  He also loves to grab and play with his feet while I change his diaper, which is a very baby thing to do in my mind.  In spite of these things however, it's become more and more evident to Hubby T and I that our little boy is developing a mind of his own!

Most of the time this is a delight to witness, like when he imitates us saying cheese!

He has also repeated the word elbow in the last week, and many of the sounds he makes now sound like actual syllables.  So we know his verbal skills are growing, which is awesome!

We've also noticed more instances of him mimicking our actions lately.  He tried to put his own sock on earlier this week (unsuccessfully of course but I'm excited he tried!)  He's always been fascinated with the vacuum, and when I'm not using it he will pick up the hand piece and try to push it the way I do.  This morning he picked up crumbs from Baby D's highchair and put them in the trashcan!  And this was a first yesterday too -

Sometimes it feels like wash cloth has become the new outer layer of skin on my hand, so I'm not surprised that he's figured out that wash cloths wipe things.  Now if we could all figure out how to be a little cleaner so that we don't need the wash cloths as often...right Baby B?!  Right...keep dreaming Mama P.  I saw this for the first time this week too... 

Thank goodness we have awhile until he's actually tall enough to reach the deadbolt lock!

He's also been demonstrating his independence when it comes to reading.  He is not interested in listening to us read library books - only holding them himself and flipping through the pages.  He's also been more resistant to reading together before nap and bedtime.  This one really makes me sad as those were the only consistent cuddle times we've had lately.  I'm still holding out that this one is a phase.  I knew the day would come when he'd prefer to play rather than read/cuddle/peacefully go to sleep - but did it have to come already?!  Silly boy, what am I going to do with you?

Oh ok, I'll just keep loving you:)

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday afternoon smiles

I have no desire to ever be a reality TV star, but there are times when I wish someone was recording my life just to capture some of the beautiful moments I share with Baby B.  While Hubby T was spending worthwhile time at church today, Baby B and I cuddled up at home to play and watch the Flyers soundly beat the Penguins, knocking them out of the running for the Stanley Cup.  Go Flyers!

Don't be fooled, he only sat there staring at the TV for about 20 seconds of the game:)  My favorite part of the game had nothing to do with what was happening on the ice.  Every time I got excited about a play or cheered for a goal, Baby B would drop whatever he was playing with and come over with a huge grin and laugh to give me a hug.  How does he know to do that?!  Of course I responded with huge grins and laughs and hugs back, so maybe this is more an example of the power of positive affirmation than anything else.  Either way, my heart is toasty warm this afternoon:)

I've also made a couple of home run recipes lately I wanted to share.  This asparagus recipe has a complicated name but making it is anything but.  It may possibly be the absolute best way I have ever made or eaten asparagus...yum!  We also had some excellent salmon with zesty lime mustard last night.  I know mustard and lime together sounds not that appetizing but it really was.  Even Baby B had a couple bites!!

Broiled Salmon with Zesty Lime Mustard from Colorado Collage by The Junior League of Denver

2 Tbs. coarse grain mustard (I used dijon)
2 Tbs. grated lime zest
2 Tbs. fresh lime juice
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
4 6-ounce salmon fillets

Preheat broiler.  Combined mustard, lime zest, lime just, salt, and pepper in a small bowl.  Place salmon, skin side down, on a broiler pan and brush top with mustard mixture.  Broil until center of the fish is opaque, 8-10 minutes.

I thought the flavor of the mixture was very strong, so I'd dilute it and use in on more than 4 fillets next time.  I also used pretty thin pieces of fish so they only needed 5 minutes to cook.  So delicious!

Finally, the other new obsession that's been consuming my time (you know, all that free time I have after caring for two babies and a husband every day...) is the Spoils of Time saga by Penny Vincenzi.  I just finished the first book, No Angel, on Friday afternoon.  This 600 + page turner is the kind of book that makes for great airplane or beach reading because it isn't fluffy but it does capture and hold your attention.  It tells the story of the Lytton family, specifically the wife/mother Lady Celia, who run a publishing company in London during the World War I era.  Its themes include women's rights/the "proper" place of woman, war and how it affects families, countries, etc., and marital fidelity.  I have a couple other books to read before I can move onto the second book of this series but I can't wait.  It's nice to have something to look forward to isn't it?  Baby B and Hubby T (and I guess me too) certainly do!!

Stanley Cup or bust!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Personal ad

Gramma and Auntie A had some fun at dinner the other night writing a personal ad for Baby B...what do you all think? Doesn't he sound like the perfect man?!

Young male seeks equally fantastic female. Good dancer, extremely well read, enjoys fine dining and the great outdoors, especially walks at sunset. Tri-lingual* yet also a man of few words. Great smile with an awesome fashion sense. Likes to cuddle and a great kisser.

What more could you want? It's pretty funny how much the "common" phrases apply to my little Romeo. Hands off though ladies - he's still mine for twenty years or so:)

* Baby B can speak English, Greek, and baby sign language - so smart!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Farmer Mama P

Well, you know that time has gotten away from you when you look at the clock, realize it's 7:30, and you haven't even thought about giving your 15 month old a bath yet...especially when he's normally in bed by 7:30! Our excuse today was getting caught up in a very intense hockey game. Let's just say I'm glad my team walked the higher road and won. Yesterday time got away from us because we were gardening all day. That's right, the vegetables are finally planted, as long as Baby B keeps his hands out that is...

We planted two tomato plants, four green pepper and one yellow pepper, one yellow squash, and four herbs (basil, cilantro, parsley, and thyme). I wanted to plant zucchini too but neither Lowe's or Home Depot had any, which I still find perplexing since I am positive zucchini is a summer plant. Oh well. Now my grand gardening experience really begins...grow plants grow!!

In other exciting news, we bought Baby B some new summer outfits today thanks to an Easter gift card from his Yiayia and Papou. I am especially in love with this little number -

In case you can't read the writing, it says S.S. Cutie, Captain Adorable. So true:)

I love how the whale on this one kind of matches the octopus on his new sun hat, completely unplanned. Baby B is definitely ready for summer now:) Thanks for the new outfits Yiayia!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Spring Break Part 2

And the spring break fun continues...

On Wednesday we had a family outing to Valley Forge National Park! I don't go to national parks that often but I'm always so grateful for them when I do. Valley Forge is a beautiful piece of Pennsylvania countryside. The park has nine different spots along a route that you can walk/bike/drive that help tell the story of what happened during the winter the American forces camped there during the Revolutionary War. We drove the route and got out at the main spots, for Hubby T and me to learn and explore and for Baby B to just be free. He's easily amused this kid.

We rested up on Wednesday afternoon and went to bed early because on Thursday we headed north for Baby B's first visit to New York City! Ben's Aunt KP has been living there for the last couple years, so we primarily went up to see her and get a feel for her "city life..."although I'm pretty sure that hadn't included hanging at Central Park playgrounds until we showed up!

We had a nice lunch at the South Street Seaport area, took a couple pictures on the pier with the Brooklyn Bridge in the background, and then walked a few blocks to the 9/11 Memorial. I think 9/11 is still an event that's rather raw for many people individually and for our national conscience, so I really enjoyed this chance to visit the memorial and see how it's come together. I visited Ground Zero six months after the attack when there was a wooden platform you could walk on to kind of see where the buildings had fallen. Now there are two deep pools where the towers stood with the names of all the people who died that day and in the 1993 attack inscribed around them. I saw a couple names written as "Jane Smith and her unborn child." It's still so heartbreaking...

The museum they are building to accompany the memorial isn't open yet. I'm looking forward to going back again, hopefully once Baby B is old enough to understand it, to see how everything looks when it's all rebuilt.

Friday was a day to relax at home with all of Baby B's paternal great-grandparents who came for lunch and a visit. We played peek-a-boo with great-Grandmom...

Rode a horsey with great-Granddad...

And enjoyed a special serenade from Yiayia...

So much love for this little boy:) There were several other wonderful parts to our spring break, including a reunion of Hubby T's college small group before we drove to Pennsylvania, an Easter egg hunt, a brunch with my college roommate on the way back home and, of course, Easter! But life is quickly moving on so I will too. Suffice it to say that we are richly blessed with family and friends and love these times in our life when we get to spend quality time with them. Right Baby B?!

P.S. This blog post is dedicated to Baby B and Baby D, who both napped at the same time this afternoon (!), allowing me to write my Easter thank you notes, watch the Smash episode I missed Monday night, and write this post. Thanks boys!:)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break Part 1

We're back! One of the benefits of teaching is spring break, so while Baby D spent last week home with his family, we packed our family up and headed North for a fun, relaxing, family-filled vacation. I'm so glad we're within driving distance of each other. This trip may become an annual occurrence!!

We arrived on Sunday evening and spent most of Monday relaxing, although Baby B and I did accompany Mom-Mom to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week, and things to play with, like bouncy balls. You can see how Baby B felt about that!

That night we left Baby B at home with his Papou and the rest of us went to see Hunger Games. So good! Makes me want to read all three books all over again. I'm currently in the middle of a couple books that were recommended to help with Downton Abbey withdrawal, however, so Hunger Games may have to wait:)

On Tuesday we visited Winterthur, a du Pont family estate. The house, an example of an early 20th century American estate, is a museum of American decorative arts but what's equally if not more impressive are the gardens and grounds of the estate. While I enjoyed visiting, we also had a humbling parenting experience while there. Baby B is so easy going 99% of the time that sometimes I forget to think about what he might need, like a clean diaper or lunch perhaps, before embarking on a 45 minute long tour of the museum. Whoops! Fortunately Mom-Mom was there to take Baby B on an early exit of the tour and get him feeling better. He was still pretty cranky when we met up with them afterwards so we didn't stick around too long. He'll probably get more out of the kid's garden when he's older anyway, so we'll just have to go back!

Tuesday night we left Baby B home with Mom-Mom and went to a Flyer's game! Of all the Philadelphia sports teams, I think Hubby T's favorite is the Flyers and it's been years since he attended a home game (and I never have) so it was a big, big night for us. We went down to the game early with Papou and Uncle B to check out the brand new mega-sports-bar complex they built next to the stadiums. Nothing like some good German food and beer to fortify you for a night of intense sports!

I don't have any pictures to share of the game, it wasn't worth bringing the camera with me, but we had a great time. I say that with the caveats of the Flyers lost, partly due to some terrible calls by the referees, and Philly sports fans can be pretty nasty when they get upset (which I hate). I spent quite a bit of time during the game thinking about sportsmanship and what behavior I think is acceptable or not while watching sports and how I'm going to teach all this to Baby B. Hubby T spent much of the game stewing in his anger at the refs and feeling frustrated that the team wasn't playing better (which isn't to say that he didn't enjoy the game, go figure). This is all part of the hockey experience, which I'm trying to accept, but suffice it to say that Hubby T and I have some talking to do before Baby B starts picking up on and learning from our sports watching habits!

Feeling tired of our spring break yet? I'm just getting started! But Baby B just woke up from his nap, so the rest of our week will have to wait...stay tuned for the rest of our spring break adventures in a couple days!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Mmmm recipes

It feels like it's been awhile since I shared any recipes. We have been eating well, but nothing so amazing that I felt the need to ignore the dishes and the mess under Baby B's chair in order to immediately share it with you. So here are a couple new food ideas that aren't "drop everything and alert the presses!" good but still pretty delicious.

BBQ Tofu Wraps - Ok, I know this dish might sound strange, but it is delicious and ridiculously easy. I ordered this at a restaurant a couple months ago and decided to see if I could make them at home. When you google "bbq tofu wraps" there are a lot of options that come up. I followed this one and loved it. Note that I did not make my own bbq sauce, I think I bought whatever was on sale. So feel free to make your own sauce or use your favorite store bought sauce. This will be most of the flavor so be sure to use one you like. I also prepared the tofu differently.* Don't forget the coleslaw, it helps round the dish out and tame the strong flavor of the bbq sauce. Delicious, healthy, and easy. Mmmmm!!

* My method is to cut the tofu into cubes and then layer them in the following manner: tray or cutting board on the bottom, dish towel, tofu cubes (in a single layer), another dish towel, 3-5 heavy cookbooks. I let this sit for as long as I can (several hours if I remember to do it in the early afternoon, 30 minutes minimum). This draws the water out of the tofu, making it more ready to absorb whatever flavor you give it while cooking. Incidentally, I learned this method from one of my favorite blogs, Peas and Thank You. Always give credit where credit is due, right?!

Cottage Cheese Dill Bread - My mom gave me this recipe a couple months ago. I'm not sure where she got it from but it's delicious. It's also an awesome bread because it only requires 1 minute of kneading!

1 c. cottage cheese
1/4 c. warm water
1 pkg yeast
1 egg
1 Tbs. vegetable oil
2 1/4 - 2 1/2 c. flour
2 Tbs. sugar
2 tsp. dill seed
1/2 tsp. dill weed (or more)
1 Tbs. onion powder
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. baking soda

Heat cheese, stirring until lukewarm. Sprinkle yeast over warm water. Stir in cottage cheese, egg, sugar, dill seed, dill weed, onion powder, oil, salt & baking soda. Gradually stir in flour until combined. Knead on a board or lightly floured counter for 1 minute. Put the dough in a greased bowl and cover with a towel. Let rise until doubled, punch down. Place the dough in a buttered or greased 2 quart casserole dish. Let rise until doubled, about 30 minutes. Bake at 350 degrees for 40-50 minutes, until browned. Brush the top with butter and onion powder. Excellent toasted!

Notes: I don't have dill seed or onion powder. I use about 1 Tbs. of dill weed instead and hope it leads to about the same result. I think I have also sprinkled some garlic powder in so feel free to experiment. I also have substituted 1 c. of whole wheat flour for 1 c. white flour and it turns out fine. Notice that this doesn't call for the bread to be cooked in a loaf pan, which caught me off guard the first time I made it. My 2 qt casserole dish is round so this always comes out round in our house. Baby B and Hubby T don't mind though, and come to think of it, neither do I:) Enjoy!