
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Baby B Update

Sometimes I wonder when I will have to stop calling Baby B a baby.  At fifteen months he still sleeps on his tummy with all his limbs tucked in and his little behind sticking straight up in the air.  He also loves to grab and play with his feet while I change his diaper, which is a very baby thing to do in my mind.  In spite of these things however, it's become more and more evident to Hubby T and I that our little boy is developing a mind of his own!

Most of the time this is a delight to witness, like when he imitates us saying cheese!

He has also repeated the word elbow in the last week, and many of the sounds he makes now sound like actual syllables.  So we know his verbal skills are growing, which is awesome!

We've also noticed more instances of him mimicking our actions lately.  He tried to put his own sock on earlier this week (unsuccessfully of course but I'm excited he tried!)  He's always been fascinated with the vacuum, and when I'm not using it he will pick up the hand piece and try to push it the way I do.  This morning he picked up crumbs from Baby D's highchair and put them in the trashcan!  And this was a first yesterday too -

Sometimes it feels like wash cloth has become the new outer layer of skin on my hand, so I'm not surprised that he's figured out that wash cloths wipe things.  Now if we could all figure out how to be a little cleaner so that we don't need the wash cloths as often...right Baby B?!  Right...keep dreaming Mama P.  I saw this for the first time this week too... 

Thank goodness we have awhile until he's actually tall enough to reach the deadbolt lock!

He's also been demonstrating his independence when it comes to reading.  He is not interested in listening to us read library books - only holding them himself and flipping through the pages.  He's also been more resistant to reading together before nap and bedtime.  This one really makes me sad as those were the only consistent cuddle times we've had lately.  I'm still holding out that this one is a phase.  I knew the day would come when he'd prefer to play rather than read/cuddle/peacefully go to sleep - but did it have to come already?!  Silly boy, what am I going to do with you?

Oh ok, I'll just keep loving you:)

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