We're back! One of the benefits of teaching is spring break, so while Baby D spent last week home with his family, we packed our family up and headed North for a fun, relaxing, family-filled vacation. I'm so glad we're within driving distance of each other. This trip may become an annual occurrence!!
We arrived on Sunday evening and spent most of Monday relaxing, although Baby B and I did accompany Mom-Mom to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week, and things to play with, like bouncy balls. You can see how Baby B felt about that!
That night we left Baby B at home with his Papou and the rest of us went to see Hunger Games. So good! Makes me want to read all three books all over again. I'm currently in the middle of a couple books that were recommended to help with Downton Abbey withdrawal, however, so Hunger Games may have to wait:)
On Tuesday we visited Winterthur, a du Pont family estate. The house, an example of an early 20th century American estate, is a museum of American decorative arts but what's equally if not more impressive are the gardens and grounds of the estate. While I enjoyed visiting, we also had a humbling parenting experience while there. Baby B is so easy going 99% of the time that sometimes I forget to think about what he might need, like a clean diaper or lunch perhaps, before embarking on a 45 minute long tour of the museum. Whoops! Fortunately Mom-Mom was there to take Baby B on an early exit of the tour and get him feeling better. He was still pretty cranky when we met up with them afterwards so we didn't stick around too long. He'll probably get more out of the kid's garden when he's older anyway, so we'll just have to go back!
Tuesday night we left Baby B home with Mom-Mom and went to a Flyer's game! Of all the Philadelphia sports teams, I think Hubby T's favorite is the Flyers and it's been years since he attended a home game (and I never have) so it was a big, big night for us. We went down to the game early with Papou and Uncle B to check out the brand new mega-sports-bar complex they built next to the stadiums. Nothing like some good German food and beer to fortify you for a night of intense sports!
I don't have any pictures to share of the game, it wasn't worth bringing the camera with me, but we had a great time. I say that with the caveats of the Flyers lost, partly due to some terrible calls by the referees, and Philly sports fans can be pretty nasty when they get upset (which I hate). I spent quite a bit of time during the game thinking about sportsmanship and what behavior I think is acceptable or not while watching sports and how I'm going to teach all this to Baby B. Hubby T spent much of the game stewing in his anger at the refs and feeling frustrated that the team wasn't playing better (which isn't to say that he didn't enjoy the game, go figure). This is all part of the hockey experience, which I'm trying to accept, but suffice it to say that Hubby T and I have some talking to do before Baby B starts picking up on and learning from our sports watching habits!
Feeling tired of our spring break yet? I'm just getting started! But Baby B just woke up from his nap, so the rest of our week will have to wait...stay tuned for the rest of our spring break adventures in a couple days!
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