
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Church is hard sometimes

Most of the time I use the space on this blog to share the awesomeness of my family.  I do have a life outside my son (hard to believe, I know) and since so much has been going on in it lately, I have been feeling compelled to I hope you will indulge my rambling for a little bit here.

If you haven't picked up on it yet, Hubby T and I are devoted Christians and for us, being part of a church is part of our identity as Christians.  We've been a part of our church for almost four years now.  It's the first church that we were able to join and get involved in as adults, as married adults, as's almost a second home, especially because we have formed some spectacularly wonderful friendships there.  But just because church is a wonderful place for us doesn't mean that it's easy.

Our church has encountered a perfect storm of events over the past 12-18 months.  Our head pastor left, and a new one has not been hired yet.  Several families and members of the church chose to leave because they disagreed with a doctrinal decision made by our denomination's governing body.  Our Director of Christian Education left and a new one has not been hired.  Our associate pastor left and a new one has not been hired.  Like many churches, our budget too has been hard hit by the recession.  And in the midst of all this, several close friends from our church small group have left, all for legitimate, life-changes-and-we-can't-help-it-reasons, but they are deeply missed nonetheless.  I get the feeling that many people in our church are tired, worn out, discouraged, and frustrated.  And although we're feeling pretty good overall, Hubby T and I definitely have our moments when we feel that burden.  Everyone who cares about the church is giving and volunteering in some way but we all have our limits.  We feel we have been in the darkness for awhile, and can't quite see when dawn is going to break, although we know it has to eventually! 

So do we walk away?  Should we be searching for another church?  Although I think many people have been having this conversation, Hubby T's and my answer, at least for now, is no.  We are sticking with it.  And here's why -

" about thriving in God's good world.  It's stillness, peace, and that feeling of your soul being at rest, while at the same time it's about asking things, learning things, creating things, and sharing it all with others who are finding the same kind of joy in the same good world."

Hubby T and I read that quote in Rob Bell's book Love Wins a couple weeks ago and were both incredibly struck by what a powerful description it is of the church.  As long as our church remains a place where we can continue to ask, learn, create and share the joys and hardships of the Christian journey with others who are going through the same things we are, we'll be there.  And we have hope that the dawn will break soon, because that's what God promises.  And it will be glorious when it does.

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