
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Vacation Part 2

Well, I promised scenic pictures right?  Here they are!  Our biggest outdoor excursion this vacation was a trip to Maroon Bells, two mountain peaks that are part of the White River National Forest.  Part of the fun of going to Maroon Bells is walking around the little lake where the bus drops you off (you can't drive in).

The other fun part is hiking around.  We chose to take the 3.5 mile hike back down a path that "parallels" the road.  This meant that while our scenery was fantastic, all Baby B could talk about was the "bus!" that we would occasionally glimpse.  Let it be noted, for the record, that taking an 18 month old on a 3.5 mile hike without a stroller or hiking backpack was not necessarily the brightest idea.  For little bits we could travel like this...

But most of the time it looked like this...

In the end, it looked like this...

Thank goodness for strong bodies to carry my sleepy boy!!  We took the easy way to our other outdoor destination.  While some people have the strength and fortitude to bike or hike the road that carries you from the 8,000 something feet high Aspen to the 12,095 feet high Continental Divide, we simply drove.

While the heights up there somewhat terrify me, it's a spectacular view.  (Refrains of "God of Wonders" waft through my head when I think about it, "the universe declares your majesty...")  Being above the treeline, so high up that only tundra can grow, is really something.  Plus, it's windy and chilly that high, so I got to wear my new sweatshirt! 

So that's our trip, in a nutshell.  I didn't mention everything, but I think I got most of it.  Hubby T has one more week off until he returns to work.  We're going to enjoy these last couple mornings of sleeping in and lounging around while we still can!!

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