
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Questions, questions, questions

Sometimes life is full of questions.  Sometimes you know the answers to them.  A lot of times you don't.  I've had lots of questions lately...

Q: How do you switch a toddler from a crib to a bed?  Obviously I need to buy some bed rails for Little B's new "big boy" bed (which was actually Hubby T's "big boy" bed when he was a kid/teenager/unmarried adult!) but after that do I just buy him some sheets, plop him on the bed and say good night?!  Do I really trust my two year old with this kind of freedom?  Or maybe the real question here is who is the one really not ready for this: him or me?

Q: What do you do when Grampa comes to visit and brings his grandson a brownie to eat in the bath tub?  (What does he think this is, a ten star resort?!)  
A: I think Grampa and Little B's answer is obvious - eat it!  And if a few of the crumbs that fall in the water end up in your hair, great!  Midnight snack, right?!  Geez, chill out Mommy.

Q: What do you do when your pediatrician calls you in the middle of dinner to say that your child's blood work strongly indicates he has celiac disease?  And oh, also, if that's not it, we'll have to do more tests and depending on how those turn out, we may have to look at whether he has cystic fibrosis.  
A: Try very hard not to focus on the second idea and be patient while waiting to hear about getting an appointment with a specialist to discuss the first.

Q: How do you respond to the following conversation?

Little B: Mommy, where's Baby?

Mommy: Right here (rubbing my belly)

Little B: Nooo, Little D ate him!!

Mommy:  (voice increases in octave) Little D ate him?!

Little B: Nooo, Mommy ate him!!

Mommy: (voice increases to a higher octave) Mommy ate him?!

Little B: Noo, he's just right dere. (pointing to my belly)

Q: How do you comfort the grieving?  Hubby T and I considered ourselves amazingly fortunate that all eight of our grandparents attended our wedding.  We considered our family even more blessed when all eight of them had the chance to meet their first great-grandchild.  Sadly those days came to an end Sunday night when Hubby T's grandmother passed away.  The thought that keeps circulating in my mind is, it must be a lonely day when you first wake up to a world that your mother isn't in with you anymore.  Praying that our time with family this weekend brings comfort to those in our family who need it most.

Q: What do you do when your child throws up for the first time?  This was way beyond baby spit-up folks.  Little B got sick all over a two foot radius of my kitchen floor at lunchtime yesterday...
A: Besides the obvious instinct to clean up the mess, all of the following ran through my head at the same time: how do I get his clothes off without getting vomit in his hair?  How can I pick him up while keeping his dirty hands off me?  How can I keep my slippers clean in this situation?  Oh wait, too late.  How can I salvage the book that was lying in the middle of the floor and is now splattered?  What am I going to use to clean this up?  How quickly can I open the window to start clearing out this God-awful smell? Which do I do first?  And oh yeah, thank goodness this happened in the one room in my house not covered in carpet!

Q: How do you say thank you to friends who know you well enough to know when life gets a little rough, and reach out to support you along the way with texts, hugs, flowers, cups of tea, and encouraging words?
A: Smile as best you can, say thank you, and wait in loving fellowship until it's your turn to reciprocate for them.  (If you think you fall in this category, you probably do - thank you friends!)

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