It's official. Something I never imagined happening to me has happened. I am the mother of two boys! Can you tell I'm still somewhat in shock? I knew there was a 50-50 chance that this new baby would be a boy, but I never ever saw myself as the mother of only boys.* One of my good friends even said the same thing, so I know I'm not completely crazy. I'm going to gloss over the disappointment that I felt/feel at not having a girl and focus on the positives that I have come up with so far...
1. We don't need to buy anything. And probably won't ever have to pay for a wedding.
2. When the boys grow up and become Boy Scouts with their dad, I will have a weekend at home all to myself whenever they go camping.
3. Whenever I feel like getting a manicure or pedicure and Hubby T gives me a hard time, I'll be able to say, "Hey it could be worse. We could be paying for two."
4. A mother of only boys deserves new jewelry every now and then right?
5. Several friends who are the moms of only boys have made the effort to speak up, welcome me to the club, and assure me that it's really a wonderful thing. Thank you for those words and for doing a great job with your boys so that I have people to look at and be hopeful for my future with all boys.
6. "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing!" (Isaiah 43:18-19) I may not have ever anticipated being in this place but there are plenty of times in my life when things didn't go the way I wanted and I can see now how they turned out for the best. God knows what's best for me and what his plan for my life is, and although I sometimes protest, I am happy to follow.
7. I already spend my days with two boys, so it's not going to be that hard an adjustment. Especially if my new pair turns out to be anything like my current pair...
Little B and Little D decided to completely ignore the Super Bowl last night in favor of reading books in front of the fire. What sweet boys:) |
P.S. And before you say, you can always have another baby, the reason this feels final is that having a third child is not really part of our plan. I know that sometimes these things just happen, but for now, this is it. Then again, what do I know? Refer to point 6 above!
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