
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Picture dump

I've got nothing folks.  I've been wanting to post something for over a week and creative inspiration just hasn't struck.  So here's our month so far in pictures because those I miraculously do have!

At the beginning of the month we had (another) snow day so Little B and I built his first bedroom fort!

It didn't even last until lunchtime but he still had fun in it for a couple hours.  So did Baby P once he woke up from morning nap.  I'm pretty sure this face says, "Why thank you big brother, I will help myself to your toys as a snack, thank you very much."

 There are many nights when I walk in to kiss Little B good night after he's fallen asleep and wish I could take a picture.  Sleeping kids are just so beautiful.  A couple weeks ago, his pose was too good to resist and Hubby T flashed away.  Note the too big dinosaur slippers on his feet, which he put on after we tucked him in, and the arms crossed behind his head.  This boy is clearly the king of his castle!

Have I mentioned what a battle it is to get Little B's morning responsibilities done every morning?  He wakes up with an attitude of all play all day, which is wonderful and exactly how he should be, most of the time.  How did he get to this point on this morning?  I have no idea.  But I do know that eventually he was completely dressed, his bed was completely made and his teeth were brushed because no matter how much he protests, Mommy always wins!  

Two weeks after our snowy Monday we hit 80 degrees!  We took advantage of the glorious glimpse of spring by having a picnic lunch at the playground.  I had to pretend that Captain Hook and Mr. Smee were going to the playground too to motivate Little B to walk there with me but we got there!

Baby P is great when we go for walks.  I think he's at that age where he is content to look around and take it all in.  Considering how much he's moving around at home, it's a relief to have him contained sometimes!

And when I say he's moving around, I'm not kidding.  8 months and this kid is vertical.  Baby proofing has just hit a whole new level.

One of Little B's favorite book series right now is Arthur.  He also love anything that has to do with music.  So when I found a book called Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n Roll I knew it would be a winner.  At the end of the story Arthur and his friends end up at a Backstreet Boys concert.  So one day I casually mentioned to Little B that the Backstreet Boys were a real band and mommy had their music on her iPod, did he want to listen?  Yes!  He did!  And this was his face for most of lunch while he listened.  I don't think he was sold, which made his daddy very happy.  He told me it sounded like pirate music, which made me very happy:)

Finally, I made this happen on Friday morning.  He insisted on using two cups to drink his milk at breakfast, so I insisted that he help clean up the extra dishes.  He's not even close to washing dishes regularly but I'm thrilled to start introducing the concept to him.  I have great hopes for the day when my boys will be old enough to contribute something other than messes to state of our house:)

Thanks for making it all the way to the bottom of my very uncreative post!

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