December 7: On this night we attended our town's annual Christmas celebration, which includes fireworks! Every time there was a pause Baby P would say, "All done?" Little B had seen fireworks before, and was pretty cold, so he wasn't overly impressed with this little Christmas tradition. It did wear him out though (or maybe that was just all the fun he had with all the family who came with us...)
December 8: Hubby T's Yiayia brought us some gifts from the closing sale of her local Hallmark store, including this super fun Christmas story. It's an interactive book that responds to certain lines of the book being read. To little children it sounds like Santa is talking with us as we read. I don't think Little B actually thinks it's Santa talking to him, but we're enjoying it just the same:)
December 9: I love dressing my kids in holiday clothes. It's shocking how quickly Baby P is fitting into Little B's hand me downs!
December 10: It's a fairly common occurrence for Hubby T to take the kids outside to play in the late afternoon when I'm finishing school work or starting dinner. One of the highlights of this season is how they take advantage of that time to walk around the neighborhood and look at Christmas lights. The super crazy house within their walking radius is lovingly referred to by Little B as "the blinking Christmas lights house,". He seriously loves this house and asks that we drive by it anytime we drive home after dark. I didn't take a picture because it's hard to take pictures in the dark, plus it would be creepy if the owner saw us, so you'll just have to imagine the glee of an almost four year old in front of a completely decked out for Christmas house.
December 11: One of Little B's daily joys this season is putting an ornament on our magnetic Advent tree. This perfect for little hands, and fits perfectly on our mantle out of their reach!
December 12: Tonight Little B and I went on a mommy-oldest son date to see our church's Christmas play. We invited Little D and his mommy to come with us, which was super fun. We decided the boys are still a little too young to really get into the play, but we took them out for frozen yogurt afterwards, so all in all the night was a hit:)
December 13: I know I already devoted a "day" to Christmas clothes but Christmas pajamas are just too cute to ignore. The boy's Mom-Mom bought them matching footie pajamas just for Christmas Eve/day - I'm pretty sure they're going to be too adorable for words!
One more full week until Christmas - getting excited!!
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