
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Advent Week 3

Sunday: Today we turned our angel tree gift in to church.  I tried to enlist Little B's help on shopping for the gift and wrapping, neither of which was all that effective but I think he's old enough to begin to understand that this is an important part of the Christmas season.  We went grocery shopping a couple days later for some food to donate to a food pantry.  He was able to get a little more involved with that, but I think the concept is still a bit lost on him.  Oh well, I'll keep trying.  I also had Little B "paint" Christmas cards to give to his preschool and Sunday School teachers.  I envisioned finger painting, Little B turned it into full-hand painting.  Oh well, he had fun:)

Monday: Did you know the concept of repetition overload is lost on three year olds?  I have listened to the John Denver and the Muppets Christmas CD and read the Berenstain Bear Christmas books more times in the last month than is believable.  But Little B is completely addicted and I know that for better or worse they'll all be packed away by the end of the month so I indulge him.  Anyone else want to take a turn driving him around and/or reading to give Hubby T and I a break?!

Tuesday: We received a surprise in the mail today from our Gigi - a Christmas carousel!  There is a little calliope which is connected to six carousel horses that move up and down and light up and play Christmas carols when it's turned on.  Little B calls them Santa's horses and Baby P calls them "ho" in his adorable attempt to say "horse."  I think the pieces are supposed to hang from the bottom branches of the tree, which of course we can't do with Baby P so it lives on the mantle, at least for this year.  All in all, great fun for my little ones:)

Wednesday: We've been told all year that Little B's music class would have a special Christmas activity.  We've been singing a song about the gingerbread boy for a couple weeks now, so it wasn't a huge surprise to me when the teacher presented each child with their very own gingerbread boy to decorate!  Due to a couple kids' dietary restrictions, we didn't decorate real cookies in class but had felt gingerbread cut-outs instead.  The teacher did send us home with real cookies though, which Little B promptly decorated and then handed over to us to eat.  I am so grateful that this kid is so easy going about his no-gluten diet!

Thursday: Today was Little B's preschool Christmas party.  His teacher has been telling us all month that the kids have been working on surprises for us and it was true.  We came home with several hand-made ornaments, a book from Santa (who showed up at the party), and some video of a very lackluster Little B standing with his classmates, not singing, but then again most of them weren't either.  I'm so glad this preschool didn't have a big program or make a big deal of them performing because Little B is so not a performer.  But he does know the words to Rudolph by heart and called "Away in a Manger" his favorite song, so I know he's been learning something this month at school:)

Friday: Today we had our grinder pump replaced.  There is nothing Christmasy about this but that's what our day was about - not being able to put anything down any pipe in our house until it was fixed.  Alleluia it was fixed, but the spirit of the season was a bit lost in the midst of this mini-house-crisis.  We still played Christmas music while we ate dinner, hopefully that counts for something in this little Advent diary of mine...

This kid loves to "cheese" for the camera!

Saturday: Today we celebrated an early Christmas with Gramma, Grampa and Auntie A.  We had my family's traditional Christmas morning sticky buns, shared presents with one another, and realized that Little B is at the age where all he's interested in are his presents.  I also learned when we got home that he's very interested in decorating Christmas cookies, to the extent that once all the cookies were decorated I had to promise that he could "decorate" his ice cream for dessert, which he did.

Hmm, there was a lot about Little B in this week's post.  As I said at the beginning, he is experiencing Christmas on a whole different level this year, so that's how I'm experiencing it a lot too.  Baby P's time will come.  In the meantime, he's keeping us all jumping and laughing (and occasionally pulling hair out).  Not much longer now....

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