Sometimes I blog just so that I can record a moment. So sorry readers, this post is more for me than for you. But maybe you'll still enjoy it...
Today was a reminder of what a journey parenthood is, and how it's completely possible to go from the very lowest of lows to the very highest of highs, all in one day...
Low first, which is fitting since it came first. We spent an hour at the dentist this morning for Little B to get his teeth checked and cleaned, except he wouldn't open his mouth. I tried everything, from rationalizing to bribery to threatening punishment to calling Daddy and having him try to talk Little B into cooperating. We got nowhere. Teeth clean-ups are, in my book, not negotiable, and yet there was no way to force him to open his mouth. I felt quite defeated and frustrated by the time we walked out. Fortunately the boys knew not to push my buttons and we were able to spend a pretty pleasant morning together afterward but the failure of that visit and what to do with my anger and frustration has nagged at me all day.
Then tonight at dinner, when it was just Little B and me, I asked him why the dentist visit was so hard and upsetting. He didn't really have an answer but after a couple minutes he climbed down from his chair, came over to give me a hug and said, "Sorry Mommy." Another melt my heart moment to treasure...unprompted apologies are the best!
A little while later we were in the car driving to pick Baby P up from music class. For the last couple weeks we've been listening to all of Little B's Christian music CDs. He's been focused on one CD in particular, and the first song, "Better is One Day,". For those who aren't familiar with the song, the chorus goes like this...
"Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere
Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courtsThan thousands elsewhere"
After awhile Little B asked me what the "house" in the song was referring to, so I explained that the song was telling us that it's good to spend time in God's house and be close to God. The little 4 year old's response? "But Mommy, God is everywhere!" The theological depths that this child achieves sometimes astound and delight me and I will never think of this song the same way again.
I went away last weekend with the other women from our small group (over six years meeting together and it's the first time we moms/wives have taken a retreat for ourselves - hooray!). Inevitably we spent a lot of time talking about our kids and, also inevitably, about how to raise Godly kids. There are no easy answers, but for right now, at this very early stage of his spiritual development, I am overjoyed at the little glimpses I see of Little B starting to understand this God and this faith that Hubby T and I have built our life around and upon. I pray that someday Little B will choose to do the same. And in the meantime, while I watch and teach and guide and hope, I'll keep celebrating these little moments. I believe God does too...
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