We weren't perfectly equipped with Baby P sized snow gear, so he spent quite a bit of time on the ground |
Baby P's favorite word is "hug." He asks for hugs all day everyday, which is often followed by him enthusiastically throwing his arms around your neck. His little friend at church has told him that he asks for too many hugs, and this week proposed that they hold hands instead! Baby P thinks that a hug is the solution to every hurt, either his or someone else's. They are a pretty endearing apology.
Look at that smirk - it says, "I outsmarted mom and pulled cereal out of the pantry - again!" |
Now that I think about it though, he does have another word he's pretty fond of - "more!" We hear this quite frequently, whenever he wants more food, more books, more songs, or whatever fun tickle or wrestling game we are playing with him. We also hear "up" pretty often because although he's closing in on two years old, his favorite place to be is still in the arms of the people he loves, especially mommy and daddy, although let's be honest, it's mostly mommy (sorry Hubby T). He has heard me say, "In a minute" so often that he'll just repeat "minit" in response. At least we both understand each other.
First time sledding ended in an exuberant high pitched, "More?!" |
And, of course, he has family names down pretty well. He knows all his grandparents and aunts and uncles. He loves looking at our family scrapbooks so we point and label the people in the pictures on a regular basis. Little B did that as a young one too, which has made all the effort I put into scrapbooking the last couple years seem worth it. The only Baby P word I can't explain is "may-may" which is what he calls his blanket. No idea how that sound came to be associated in his brain with blanket, but oh well, at least we know what he's talking about!
Baby P doesn't have too many phrases yet, but those he does have follow a very specific pattern: "Read it," "get it," "got it," "hab (have) it". If you could hear his tone when he says these phrases, you'd understand that he can be quite bossy, I wonder whose side of the family he got that from?!
His favorite non-verbal sound is to shriek at the top of his powerful little lungs. Most of the time this is in reaction to his brother taking something or tackling him or whatever situation he's in that has made him unhappy. I can mostly distinguish between this general shriek that we hear all the time and a genuine cry of pain, like the one that followed this shiner today, courtesy of his big brother.
Not sure if the black and blue comes through well in this picture, but it's definitely there, right under and to the side of his eye! |
Up next - update on Little B!
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