
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Things we learned this week

When Baby B has a cold and an ear infection, I have a cold/sinus infection, and Baby D has a cold and double ear infection....we go through a lot of tissues!

(Sorry if this picture is too much information for some of you. But this literally, oh so literally, has been our week.)

When you hang a growth chart to the back of Baby B's bedroom door, you give him leverage to open the door. And when you lean against the door so that he can't open it, he tugs and whines at you. Indefinitely. Until you can find a book within arm's length to read and distract him with. Unless there are no books within reach. In which case he gets out anyway...




Baby B is very attuned to when Baby D coughs or cries or makes any noise while napping. Such a good little friend. Or maybe he just likes watching the lights go up and down on the monitor.

When you sign up for the Winter Reading program at the library, and then complete the program, you get a free book! Which can then become your child's favorite of all his most favorite books. Which means you get to read it a lot. Like 10 times a day a lot. That's a lot of Big Red Barn fun my friends. At least it has beautiful illustrations to look at:)

Hope your week was less exhausting but just as blessed as ours!

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