
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Blog name

So I actually started writing this blog before I named it. It's hard to find a name that covers all the things I think I might address in this blog (see the list at the bottom of the first post). But after a couple weeks of thought and a great brainstorming session with Hubby T, I finally have what I was looking for. "Overflowing with Mmm! The Deliciousness of Life, Love, and Reeally Good Food."

The key phrase in the title is "Mmmm!" There are several reasons why this phrase has been floating around in my mind lately:

- A couple weeks ago I tried a new quesadilla recipe that is served with Nacho Mmm Sauce. I love that title for a sauce, it's so fun and descriptive (I'll share the recipe soon). And it really does make you go "mmm" when you eat it!
- We're trying to get Baby B to eat and enjoy solid foods, so more often than not when I'm holding up a baby spoon of mooshed peas (or squash or carrots...) I find myself singing "Mmm, mmm delicious!" to try and get those tightly pursed lips to open. (The jury is still out on whether or not vegetables are indeed mmm, mmm delicious, but fruit definitely is!)
- Baby B mastered the "d" syllable a couple weeks ago but we're still working on "m" for mama. So naturally I say "mmmmmmmma" to him every chance I get! My only consolation is that the "da" is mostly said when Baby B is upset and crying. It's really fun to hear him say "dada" but a little less fun when it's mixed with tears!
- I really really love reeally good food, the foods that make you smile with joy just thinking about them. I plan to share the recipes that make me go "mmm" as I find them in hopes that they will also make you go "mmm". Because let's face it - who doesn't love good food and who couldn't use a few more awesome recipes to try?!

And the final reason to include the phrase "Mmm!" is that more than just food can make you go "mmm." For me that sound represents the feeling about many pleasant things in life. Like curling up in front of a fire with a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter's night. Like collapsing onto the couch with Hubby T. to relax and watch one of our favorite tv shows at the end of a long exhausting day when Baby B is finally asleep. Like giving a friend you don't see very often a big hug after a wonderful visit. I have lots of things in life that make me go "mmm." I hope by sharing them they remind you to be grateful for the things in your life that make you go "mmmm."

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