
Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Big day for Baby B yesterday - he started crawling! Well, kind of. He figured out that if you pull with your arms and push with your legs, you move! At his first scooch forward I called for Hubby T to come watch (yay for both of us being home to see it!). Baby B immediately headed for the a/v corner of our family room, you know, where all the electronics and cords are. The only thing that could tempt him to scooch in the opposite direction was my cell phone, but he was still mostly focused on getting to the DVD player. This boy is going to be trouble! But I'm still excited and proud of him:)

On a completely different note, I finished reading an interesting book this morning - The Widow's War by Sally Gunning. It's the story of a woman who is widowed in a 1761 Cape Cod fishing village and the struggles she goes through to maintain some control of her home. Laws at the time left a widow under the protection of a male relative and she was entitled to the use of one third of her husband's real estate (note that use is very different from ownership, and was a slightly ridiculous way to do things, as the story demonstrates). I took two womens history classes in college and have been fairly engrossed with the subject ever since. It's fascinating in a horrifying kind of way how few options women had and how society belittled them. It certainly makes me grateful to live on this side of the womens suffrage and womens rights movements. Historical fiction is by far my favorite genre of books to read, so keep reading and I'll keep sharing good books that I come across.

And now, Baby B and his painful teething mouth is calling. Something tells me today won't be as exciting as yesterday....

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