
Monday, August 29, 2011

Earthquakes and Hurricanes

Wow, the last week has been a week of Big firsts for Baby B. First there was the 5.8 magnitude earthquake that shook the East Coast. Baby B was napping upstairs and didn't flinch. I had my momentary freak out moment of "why in the world is my house shaking?!" and then relaxed once I realized everything was alright. Earthquake on the East Coast...craziness.

And then there was Hurricane Irene, which didn't end up being as damaging to our area as many predicted but still knocked out the power to our house for 48 hours. The problem with no power, besides the inconvenience of no TV, Internet, or air conditioning, is that our entire plumbing system relies on power to work. I won't go into the details of it, but the bottom line is if we keep flushing the toilets like normal with no power, it pretty quickly backs up into the house, yuck. So the first 24 hours of no power wasn't a picnic. Then we found out that Hubby T didn't have to go to work the next day so we packed up and drove down to Grandma and Grandpa's house which did have power (even though they live closer to the center of the storm's path!) Yay for having family close by. At the end of it all, I decided that the best way to experience a hurricane is to be less than 1 years old. For Baby B, the only thing different is that he didn't get a bath one night before bed! His food was the same, diaper changing was the same, playing with mommy and daddy was the same. Babies really do have a pretty sweet life.

And oh yeah, in the midst of earthquakes and hurricanes, we had our first two days with Baby D! Playing with these boys everyday is going to be so much fun. Baby D had a pretty hard time going down for his first nap in my house, but after that he was a saint! I also learned quickly that Baby D needs to be up on the couch with me to drink his bottle, otherwise Baby B hones in and tries to take the bottle away. It's pretty funny how singular minded he can be sometimes. Baby D isn't mobile yet, so that makes life a little easier, although I can tell his day is coming soon. I'm very anxious to get into a routine with them, and with my life in general. I know I just need to be patient. We got through the disruption of Hurricane Irene, Labor Day is next week, and then life can settle down and we can find our new normal. As long as there aren't anymore hurricanes or earthquakes that is...

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